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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jurassic Park (1993) - Movie review

Jurassic Park (1993)
D: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough

"During a preview tour, a theme park suffers a major power breakdown that allows its cloned dinosaur exhibits to run amok."

Jurassic Park is an epic action flick with elements of a disaster movie as well as a touch of horror. Since it revolves around mankind bringing creatures extinct over 65 million years ago, some elements of sci-fi bear heavy here as well.

I first saw Jurassic Park as a kid, so naturally it had a huge impact on me. This grip still holds. I picked up this film again after a nostalgia trip to my MegaDrive/Genesis games, among which is the original Jrassic Park title.

Jurassic Park hasn't aged one bit. Well, you can tell when there's CGI on the screen, but SFX-wise Hollywood hasn't come notably further in my opinion. Besides, you can always tell when there's CGI on the screen, so this can't really be a point of review. Howver, in Jurassic Park, special effects were used to tell a story, a feat that in my opinion is currently being lost in 3D gimmicks and films like the new Star Wars Episodes. There are a lot of dinosaur dummies thrown into the mix as well, suspending disbelief atleast a little better.

So on the surface, JP still looks good. The dinosaurs sound good and it's a very powerful universe into which you're thrown since minute 1. Actor performances are really good as well for this kind of movie. One-liners, snappy remarks and some stereotype characters really contribute to this film. This is yet another feat not very often accomplished in high-budget Hollywood movies.

Some of the scenes in Jurassic Park deserve the 'simply epic' label, and it has nothing to do with jaw-dropping visual gimmicks designed to woo the audience. For example the introduction of the T-Rex is simply brilliant. The scene where the T-Rex attacks the two vehicles is methiculous and solemn, as well as exciting and even scary. There's no over-the-top music in the background and no stingers or other gimmicks. The pace is just right and it's just interesting to see the characters cope with this situation.

Now don't get me wrong, though. Jurassic Park is the cornerstone of larger-than-life high-budget Hollywood films. It just carries with it such originality and interesting content, that its really a remarkable film. And I just love the score in this.

4.5 / 5

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